we provide just trial version software for 30 days only, if you want to buy this software so please go to his company. So The MikroTik RouterOS 6.48 Free Download comes with new features and updates from the MikroTik company. MikroTik RouterOS 6.48 Free Download now you can from Getpczone with the direct download single link fast speed high dedicated server pause and so resume available for all time. Technical Title: WinBox 3.MikroTik RouterOS 6.48 Download 32-64 Bit is Remote control with an easy real-time Windows application (WinBox).

It can even detect routers if you aren’t sure of your router’s details. It’s perfect for beginners and tech-savvy users due to the simple and advanced modes. Winbox helps you to manage your Mikro Tik router with a simple user interface. It shows a list from which you can choose your ‘RoMON Agent’.‘Session’ shows the saved router session.The advanced mode gives you extra options like Browse, Keep Password, Secure Mode and the opportunity to Autosave your session. ‘Clear Cache’ lets you clear the WinBox cache, while you can use ‘Check for Updates’ to find updates. It lets you ‘Import’ or ‘Export’ saved session files, or with ‘Move Session Folder’, you can change where the software stores your session. It also has various tools like ‘ Advanced Mode’ to enable or disable this view. Winbox offers standard menu options like New, Open, Save As and Exit. You can also tick ‘Keep Password’ to save the password for future use.

Select ‘Open in New Window’ to open a new window for any device. You can ‘Add\/Set’ any entries under the ‘Managed’ tab. Other options available in simple mode are ‘Connect’ or ‘Connect to RoMON’. Be aware that the software will also show routers that aren’t compatible with Winbox. Click on the IP address of any router from the list to connect. Under the ‘Neighbours’ tab, you can use neighbour discovery to find available routers.