Enter Keysmith, a third-party utility that can compress any series of clicks and key presses into a keyboard shortcut. For example, you can’t turn your actions on the web into a shortcut with it. Go to your desktop and open 'Finder.' Close any other open. MacOS’s native shortcut creator is limited to menu items and desktop programs. How to add a Google Chrome icon to your Mac desktop Once you're sure you have Google Chrome installed, follow the steps below: 1. To create a keyboard shortcut for that, set “All Applications” in the “Application field,” “Zoom” as the “Menu Title,” and execute a unique combination of keys in “Keyboard Shortcut.” Hit “Add” to save. The simple way is to click the item you want the alias for, right click and pick make alias from the context menu. For instance, most apps have a “Zoom” option under the “Window” menu, which enlarges the window to fit the screen. You can also choose the “All Applications” option if you want to create a new key combo for a menu action that’s available on all your installed apps. Chrome Mac Keyboard Shortcuts + h, Hide Chrome + y, Check browsing history + Shift + j, Open Chrome downloads + n, Open a new window + o. (Type a search term, then Enter) Search with your default search engine. You can mix and match by adding the “Shift” key and save it with the “Add” button. These shortcuts are available when address bar is selected. Make sure the combination isn’t already taken. You can pair any number, letter, or character with the “Command,” “Option” and “Control” keys. The Firefox internet browser updates regularly with bug fixes, speed improvements, security enhancements, and new features. Next, select “Keyboard shortcut,” and press your combination of keys. Mozilla's Firefox is one of the most popular alternatives to Chrome, Edge, and Safari browsers in part because it's been around since 2002, but mostly because of its frequent updates.